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ARAS Marine Investment Holding Inc


Sanayi Mahallesi
Teknopark Bulvarı Teknopark Yerleşkesi D:10C Blok
34906 Pendik/İstanbul


+90 216 446 53 09
+90 216 446 13 39
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Page Review


Last updated

6 weeks 11 hours ago


Since 1995, ARAS Marine Investment Holding has provided subsidiary services in the fields of marine construction, salvage, emergency response services, shipyard, towage, R&D, and advanced engineering with expert personnel.

The Alpaslan Autism Foundation, founded by our Honourable President Mustafa Alpaslan, operates in the educational and social fields.

Holding and all its subsidiaries obtain ISO 9001:2015-Quality Management System, ISO 45001-Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certifications in accordance with international standards applicable to their respective fields and services.

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Equipment - historical

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Name Country
Aras Marine Construction, Inc. Turkey


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