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Brice Companies


500 University Avenue
Suite 200
Fairbanks AK 99709
United States


+ 907 452 2512
+ 907 452 1o67

Postal Address

PO Box 70668
Fairbanks, AK

Page Review


Last updated

5 weeks 1 day ago


Our family of companies offers key capabilities including civil construction, marine services, equipment rentals and quarry materials. We are experts in our field and understand what it takes to succeed in the harsh and complex conditions of remote Alaska.

Founded in 1961 by the Brice family, the company is a proud subsidiary of Calista Corporation, and has been serving Alaskans for over 50 years.

Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Water injection dredgers 1
Name Type Built Power Volume
Araluq WID 2020

Equipment - historical

We found no historical equipment for this owner.
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