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E-Marine SRL


Via Mansueto 2
16122 Genoa


+39 041 5571611
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Page Review


Last updated

11 weeks 18 hours ago


E-Marine S.r.l. has been operating in the maritime works sector since 2009. In 2017 it was taken over by new partners and from 2021 it became e-Marine S.r.l. following a change in the company name (it was previously named Geoconsult Costruzioni S.r.l.), maintaining its registered office in Genoa and adding an operational office at the Port of Chioggia. Thanks to technicians and operators of proven experience managing a fleet composed of a wide range of maritime means and equipment, e-Marine has become one of the leading companies at a national and international level for the execution of different types of maritime works and structures. In recent years, e-Marine has performed maritime works not only in Italy but also in other countries including France, Georgia, Romania, Croatia and Cyprus.

Equipment - active

Type Number Power Volume
Grab dredgers 4 4083 kW
Name Type Built Power Volume
Angelo B. GD, 1986 1194 kW
Fioravante GHD 1986 687 kW
Gioacchino Bacheto GHD 1982 1790 kW
San Martino GHD 2008 412 kW

Equipment - historical

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