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Marine Industries Limited (MIL)


Sorel-Tracy QC


Page Review

1937 - 1988
Ceased activities

Last updated

6 weeks 6 days ago


Marine Industries Limited (MIL) was a Canadian ship building, hydro-electric and rail car manufacturing company, in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, with a shipyard located on the Richelieu river about 1 km from the St. Lawrence River. It employed up to 8,500 people during the World War II support effort.
Not long after merging with davie Shiopbuilding from Lauzon in 1986, er, the new company MIL Davie Shipbuilding closed the Sorel shipyard (in 1988) resulting in a total loss of 1,700 jobs. The shipyard buildings were demolished.

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
D.M. Dredge No. 15 BLD 1914


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