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Minister of Marine & Fisheries (Canada)


Parliament Hill
Wellington Street
Ottawa ON


Page Review


Last updated

6 weeks 4 days ago


The Department of Marine and Fisheries was created on July 1, 1867, although it did not receive legislative authority until May 22, 1868. The department's political representative in Parliament was the minister of marine and fisheries The department was headquartered in the Centre Block of Parliament Hill until the fire of 1916, after which it was moved into the West Block and then off Parliament Hill entirely when new government office buildings were constructed in Ottawa.
The current post of minister of fisheries and oceans has continued under various names: Minister of Marine, Minister of Marine & Fisheries and Minister of Transport.

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
D.M. Dredge No. 14 BLD 1914
M & F Dredge No. 14 BLD 1914
M & F Dredge No. 15 BLD 1914


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