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Nello L. Teer Company


5013 Denfield Street
Durham NC NC 27704
United States


(919) 477-2413

Page Review

1909 - 1980
Company sold

Last updated

1 year 9 weeks ago


Nello L. Teer Company was a privately owned General Contracting firm founded in 1909 by Nello Leguy Teer, Sr., It became a worldwide construction company over the course of the 20th century. Merged with Koppers Company in 1980, and real estate division spun off as Teer Enterprises. Sold in 1985 and management transferred to Teer Associates.

In 1955, the Dredging Division was started with work in Florida, Virginia and later Maryland.

Equipment - active

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Equipment - historical

Name Type Built Power Volume
Leguy CSD 1937


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