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Calumet Shipyard & Drydock


9367 South Harbor Drive,
Chicago IL
United States


Page review

1927 - 1961
Ceased activities

Last updated

9 weeks 1 day ago


Calumet Shipyard was started in 1927 by James Rogan, a Scottish-born naval architect who had previously worked at Chicago Shipbuilding, Marine Iron Works and Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, in partnership with August Hausler, William Carrol and William Geiger.
It was located at a site previously occupied by Kraft Shipyard & Dry Dock Company, a ship repair firm that was started there in 1907.

The yard continued in business at least until 1961. The shipyard's equipment was sold at auction in 1963 and the property was purchased by Commonwealth Edison in 1971,

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Calumet CSD 1936


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