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5177 Richmond Ave. Suite 950
Houston TX 77056
United States


+1 281 757 6945.
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7 weeks 5 days ago


This company was started in 1929 as R. G. LeTourneau, Inc. The Vicksburg operation was started in 1944 and became a shipyard in 1954. In 1969, after the death of Mr. LeTourneau, the company was sold to Marathon and renamed Marathon LeTourneau Company. Marathon owned it throughout the boom years of rig-building, developing additional yards in Brownsville TX (now Keppel AMFELS), in Clydebank, Scotland (the former John Brown yard), and in Singapore. In addition, it licensed shipyards elsewhere to build LeTourneau designs. In 1979, Marathon was acquired by Penn Central Corporation and in 1991 it was spun off to General Cable Corp. In 1994, the assets of Marathon LeTourneau were sold to Rowan Companies, which renamed it LeTourneau, Inc. In 2011, Rowan sold it to Joy Global, which promptly sold the marine, drilling equipment and power divisions to Cameron International. In 2016, Cameron was acquired by Schlumberger which promptly sold the Marine Division to Keppel O. & M. The company is now called Keppel LeTourneau USA Inc. The Vicksburg yard was not part of this sale and has now been idle since 2011.

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Goetz CSD 2005 2952 kW


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