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PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari


Jalan Sindang No. 101
Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara 14110


021 - 430 3039
021 - 430 2232
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5 weeks 6 days ago


PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) or usually abbreviated to DKB, is an Indonesian state-owned company which operates in the field of ship manufacturing and repair. To support its business activities, this company has nine shipyards located in Jakarta, Sabang, Batam, Palembang, Cirebon, Semarang and Banjarmasin.
This company was founded in 1964 as a state company (PN) with the name PN Kodja. The company's initial capital was in the form of one shipyard and three warehouse units in Koja, North Jakarta which were previously managed by the Department of Transportation. In 1972, the Indonesian government changed the status of this company to a private company with the name PT Galangan Kodja Indonesia (Persero).

In 1979, the government merged Alirmenjaya Shipping & Dock into this company, and in 1990 followed by the merging of Tanjung Priok Dock & Shipping and Pelita Bahari, and changed the name in PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (PKB). In 1992 the government merged the Nusantara Dock & Shipyard also into this company.

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Musi 30 GD 1977


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