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Todd Shipyards Corporation


San Francisco
United States


Last updated

13 years 4 weeks ago


If you rely on your vessel, rely on Todd. Whether you're building from the ways up, or looking for a better way to keep a fleet earning its keep, you've got a great resource when Todd is your shipyard partner. Throughout the Pacific Rim we're known for our abilitiy to take on repair, maintenance and building jobs of all sizes and descriptions, do them right, and get them done fast. We come to your job equipped with specialized skills, equipment and years of experience you can count on.
Located in deep water Puget Sound, you'll find us both easy to get to and easy to do business with. That counts when you need both a ship and a shipyard you can count on.

Equipment built

Name Type Built Power Volume
Ezra Sensibar TSHD 1971 10966 kW 12223 m³
Long Island TSHD 1971 10966 kW 12223 m³


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