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aqua [powered BLD Popie in Agen (~1870-ies

General properties

Vessel type: 
BLD, aqua motor

Physical properties

Engine specs: 
Aqua motor

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Last Updated

5 weeks 2 days ago

About this equipment

Around the middle of the 19th century, several dredgers were built that were powered by water energy.
Paddle wheels on either side of the pontoon were set in motion by the water velocity, providing the energy needed to drive the bucket chain. Movements to SB or PS was done by means of a rudder-like device, making also use of the current.
This type of dredger was reported to be working around 1870 in France and New Zealand.

An early application of working with nature, no emissions or carbon footprint.

Because these dredgers only worked in flowing rivers, where there is, in general, a relatively high velocity and thus little siltation, they had limited applicability. Due to the changing current directions and velocities of the tidal movements, the system was also less suitable for use in tidal areas.

Source: Etienne Roger (Industrial historian - Toulouse) and

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